Status: Aku sentiasa cool and rilex + pemalu/peramah + setia pada yang satu + inginkan segalanya ! :) hoho
Forever Young

Lumrah dunia ♥
Friday 10 February 2012 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

♥ Life ♥

 ·  ·  ·  · 3 minutes ago

today i don't feel like doing anything , i just wanna lay in my bad , don't feel like picking up my phone so leave a message and the tone coz today i swear i don't feel like doing anything .......

Thanks for reading :)

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Status: ♥ I LOVE YOU Muhd Zulhaikal bin Sohaimie ♥ ::: I love our memories together and we promised to never leave each other right? I appreciate your love on me . I will make sure that nobody can take you from me ♥ :') ♥ Ya Allah .. Restukanlah hubungan aku dan dia hingga akhir hayat kami . Amin ya rabba al amin ... ♥

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